Friday, September 10, 2010

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease ncp care plan

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease ncp nursing care plan

  1. Risk for imbalanced fluid and electrolytes
    1. deficient fluid volume, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia
    2. metabolic acidosis
  2. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
  3. Acute/Chronic pain
    1. abdominal pain and cramping
    2. joint pain
    3. perianal pain
  4. Risk for impaired tissue integrity
  5. Hyperthermia
  6. Activity intolerance
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Risk for infection
  9. Potential complications
    1. renal calculi
    2. perirectal, rectovaginal, enterovesical, and enteroenteric abscesses and fistulas
    3. toxic megacolon
    4. bowel obstruction
    5. peritonitis
  10. Ineffective coping
  11. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance
    Additional Diagnoses
  1. Disturbed sleep pattern
  2. Fear/Anxiety
  3. Disturbed self-concept

Immobility ncp care plan

Immobility ncp nursing care plan

  1. Ineffective breathing pattern
  2. Ineffective airway clearance
  3. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
  4. Risk for impaired tissue integrity
  5. Risk for activity intolerance
  6. Impaired physical mobility
  7. Self-care deficit
  8. Urinary retention
  9. Risk for constipation
  10. Disturbed sleep pattern
  11. Risk for infection
    1. pneumonia
    2. urinary tract infection
  12. Potential complications
    1. thromboembolism
    2. atelectasis
    3. renal calculi
    4. contractures
    5. pathologic fractures
  13. Fear/Anxiety
  14. Disturbed self-concept
  15. Risk for powerlessness
  16. Risk for loneliness
  17. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hysterectomy ncp care plan

Hysterectomy with Salpingectomy and Oophorectomy ncp nursing care plan

  1. Fear/Anxiety
  1. Urinary retention
  2. Potential complications
    1. bladder or ureteral injury
    2. thromboembolism
  3. Disturbed self-concept
  4. Grieving
  5. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance

Total Hip Replacement ncp care plan

Hip Replacement, Total ncp nursing care plan

  1. Deficient knowledge
  1. Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction: operative extremity
  2. Acute pain: hip
  3. Actual/Risk for impaired tissue integrity
  4. Activity intolerance
  5. Impaired physical mobility
  6. Risk for infection: operative hip
  7. Risk for falls
  8. Potential complications
    1. hemorrhage and/or hematoma formation
    2. dislocation of hip prosthesis(es)
    3. thromboembolism
    4. fat embolism syndrome (FES)
  9. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance

CABG ncp care plan

Heart Surgery: Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) or Valve Replacement ncp nursing care plan

  1. Fear/Anxiety
  1. Decreased cardiac output
  2. Risk for impaired respiratory function
    1. ineffective breathing pattern
    2. ineffective airway clearance
    3. impaired gas exchange
  3. Risk for imbalanced fluid and electrolytes
    1. excess fluid volume
    2. third-spacing of fluid
    3. deficient fluid volume
    4. hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and/or metabolic alkalosis
  4. Activity intolerance
  5. Risk for infection
    1. pneumonia
    2. wound infection and mediastinitis
  6. Potential complications
    1. myocardial infarction (MI)
    2. cardiac dysrhythmias
    3. heart failure
    4. cardiac tamponade
    5. bleeding
    6. thromboembolism
    7. neurological dysfunction
    8. impaired renal function
    9. pneumothorax
  7. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance

Heart Failure ncp care plan

Heart Failure ncp nursing care plan

  1. Decreased cardiac output
  2. Impaired respiratory function
    1. ineffective breathing pattern
    2. ineffective airway clearance
    3. impaired gas exchange
  3. Risk for imbalanced fluid and electrolytes
    1. fluid volume excess
    2. third-spacing of fluid
    3. hyponatremia
  4. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
  5. Risk for impaired tissue integrity
  6. Activity intolerance
  7. Disturbed sleep pattern
  8. Risk for falls
  9. Potential complications
    1. renal insufficiency
    2. cardiac dysrhythmias
    3. acute pulmonary edema
    4. thromboembolism
    5. cardiogenic shock
  10. Fear/Anxiety
  11. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance
    Additional Diagnoses
  1. Nausea
  2. Disturbed thought processes
  3. Ineffective coping

Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleed, Acute Upper ncp care plan

Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleed, Acute Upper ncp nursing care plan

  1. Ineffective tissue perfusion
  2. Risk for imbalanced fluid and electrolytes
    1. deficient fluid volume
    2. hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and metabolic alkalosis
  3. Risk for aspiration
  4. Risk for activity intolerance
  5. Potential complication: hypovolemic shock
  6. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance
Additional Diagnoses

1. Fear/Anxiety