Monday, September 6, 2010

Heart Failure ncp care plan

Heart Failure ncp nursing care plan

  1. Decreased cardiac output
  2. Impaired respiratory function
    1. ineffective breathing pattern
    2. ineffective airway clearance
    3. impaired gas exchange
  3. Risk for imbalanced fluid and electrolytes
    1. fluid volume excess
    2. third-spacing of fluid
    3. hyponatremia
  4. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
  5. Risk for impaired tissue integrity
  6. Activity intolerance
  7. Disturbed sleep pattern
  8. Risk for falls
  9. Potential complications
    1. renal insufficiency
    2. cardiac dysrhythmias
    3. acute pulmonary edema
    4. thromboembolism
    5. cardiogenic shock
  10. Fear/Anxiety
  11. Deficient knowledge, Ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or Ineffective health maintenance
    Additional Diagnoses
  1. Nausea
  2. Disturbed thought processes
  3. Ineffective coping